There are two waves of technological change crashing down upon us all – the Cloud and the Internet of Things [IOT].
They have been more like a rising tide – existent for a while and gaining height every year.
As a rising tide it was easy to dismiss them as risky and uncertain – things that just won’t stick around. So why bother? Why risk betting on a loser?
Too late! They are now a wave of change. CEO’s are telling their staff to get on with IOT even if they’re not sure what it is. IT managers are embracing the Cloud rather than standing firm behind their brick and mortar server farms.
They’re both here NOW and in force – just not in your SCADA systems.
Is that photo of your grandkids on your iPhone or in the Cloud? But it’s also on your laptop and tablet. Then there’s email. Is that on a server in some vault in the office basement, or on some servers in St Louis? That all works well – all the time. In fact it works better than it did years ago. Your life is already on the Cloud for good reason; but your SCADA isn’t.
You’ve got a smart thermostat, maybe a NEST. It’s great when you get off the plane in July and set the temperature back to 72 so you don’t fry when you open the door at home. And those cameras that you have and can look at anytime on your iPhone. Did you close the garage door? Yes! Your life is already made better by the Internet of Things; but your SCADA isn’t.
SCADA is a different story. It’s on a separate network [really isn’t]. It’s on your servers, not on the Cloud. Better that way. Really? It’s time to change. Because that wave is crashing down.
And when the CEO, who has a brilliant tech background, stops by and asks how the company is using IOT to its advantage, will you be ready?
Better start doing both, NOW. Tomorrow will drown you in the wave. Isn’t is about time?
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