The World Was Watching.
A worldwide leader in integrated oil and gas processing asked GlobaLogix to design, build, program and commission a control system for a gas production facility in Mexico.
This plant was to process crude that was naturally sour (high in H2S and Carbon). They wanted this crude cleaned to a significant level – enough to acquire Certified Emission Reduction Credits (CER) and Compliance.
CER credits, as defined by Article 12 of the (Kyoto) Protocol in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, “allows a country with an emission-reduction or emission-limiting commitment, to implement an emission-reduction project”.
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The control systems would be highly scrutinized for total accuracy to qualify for credits. Concerned nations watched the development of this high-profile project, which was not your ordinary control system installation. It was unique and on a global scale.
The control systems would be highly scrutinized for total accuracy to qualify for credits. Concerned nations watched the development of this high-profile project, which was not your ordinary control system installation. It was unique and on a global scale.
The client gave us their voluminous production plans detailed in a contract and said, “This is what we are signing. Make sure it gives us the information we’ll need toward compliance.”
We took the challenge and met policies with highly-integrated measurements and control systems. The project was finished and commissioned in 2012.
The Complete Data Path
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