Automation Software – Data Client Story
“We hand it to them, and they take care of it”. (Workforce Limitations) (Safety Shut Down Systems for XTO)
“We hand it to them, and they take care of it.”
Meet John. John is the manager for the well sites at one of the largest producers in the Barnett Shale. This site continues to be one of the largest producing natural gas fields in Texas. John oversees some 1500+ well sites- with responsibilities for keeping these sites up-to-date with plunger lift controls, gas lift systems, pump gas controls, and eventually Safety Shut Down systems.
John’s company trained “roustabouts” to routinely install packaged control systems. However, they were unable to troubleshoot simple problems or did not reach desired completion rates. John met the GlobaLogix team at a casual lunch. He was so impressed with the two electricians’ troubleshooting and programming knowledge that they were given a “pad interview”.
The two completed one of the sites with a professional look and finish that far surpassed any of the previous installers. They finished in less than half the time – offsetting the higher rate for using electricians. It was then off to the races. GlobaLogix has been engaged for over three years, with over 800 wells brought up to standards, and an additional 120 on deck. Also, GlobaLogix is called on to overview other E&C vendors to make sure that the standards set were kept. With more than a dozen programmers, installers, and electricians on site daily, the real value that GlobaLogix delivered was summed up quickly by John. “We hand it to them, and they take care of it.”
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